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Welcome to

Gray Life



Hi, welcome to Gray Life. My name is Shane, and I’m just another guy. I’m a teacher, a coach, a musician, an artist. I’m a Libra, which if you know anything about Libras, explains the title of my site here and all of my content. You see, gray is what you get when you mix the black and white extremes of society. I love the middle ground, I love to hear and think about both sides of the issue. I mean, how can anyone or anything be one-sided towards something? There’s always another story, another spin, another way of seeing what else there is to discovering the true nature of something. That’s what the Gray Life is all about: finding solutions to the problems of extremism that I see taking place all around me. Looking for that beautiful gray that lies hidden in plain sight between the black and white false logic that encapsulates today's world. This approach has been less-than-favorable for me in the past: I’ve been called a fence-sitter, wishy-washy, fickle...the list goes on and on. Understandably, I get those labels a lot. However, it’s not because I can’t make up my mind about stuff, but on the contrary: I don’t want to make up my mind until I know what’s fair from both sides. This sometimes obscures the obvious for me, and even now, when the truth is right in front of me, I’ve learned to have fun with the obscurity I encounter and through age and experience, have trained myself to sharpen my observation skills and judgement, leading me to clearer waters and helping me avoid the murky clouds of obscurity.


I’ve been wanting to start a site like this for a long time. You see, I believe we are all mediums of creativity. Whatever that life force is that started us all, that first mystery that created you and I and everything we see around us, whatever that energy is, I do know one thing: It is seeking expression, and we are the vehicles by which to deliver that expression. At least for me, if I don’t express the ideas and thoughts that are constantly running through my average head, then I go into a bit of depression, a state of hum-drum that just doesn’t feel good. There’s nothing worse than being without a purpose, and when I give what I know and share what I’ve learned, I feel a wonderful sense of fulfillment. I’ve been fortunate enough to pass on a few tidbits of life knowledge each day for the last 25 years as a teacher and coach, but the subject matter and nature of my audience has sort of pigeon-holed what I can talk about. I do share life-lessons all the time with my students, and I love to incorporate my relevant experience with whatever lesson is being presented. The bottom line for me though is that a captive audience tends to be an unwilling audience. We all need to come to where we want to be and arrive there on our own terms if we are truly seeking growth, so presenting the material I will be presenting here would just not be on-target in a classroom versus in your home or in your car, listening to the myriad of topics I would like to cover, all from a middle-of-the-road perspective. My hope is that when you are reading this, or watching and listening to it, the great and wonderful spirit in you that is seeking expression has led you to these words, these sounds and music I want to give, because your truth-seeking self is calling for more. I can say that I hesitated for a long time in presenting this to you, in fear and doubt that it would be obvious and played out. Certainly you must have heard, seen, or read what I have to offer, right? Well, just in case you haven’t, I’ll be here for you to consider something new. And if you have experienced what it is I bring on a particular post, well, it is my hope to present it in a way that is fresh and clear, using my middle-logic that I just can’t shake from my being. So join me each week as I share with you my thoughts, observations, music, photos and videos of just about everything I know and think of. I’ve been to far-off places most people have never heard of, and I’ve learned a lot from my travels that I would love to let you know about. I’ve been teaching and coaching for over 25 years, and I can say that although I don’t have a doctorate in sociology or psychology, I do have thousands upon thousands of interactions with thousands of human beings that have all given me something, and I’d love to share what I've learned from them with you as well. Finally, in the greater scheme of things, what would a site like this be without addressing the mysteries of this world and beyond? I mean, if I couldn’t put on my tinfoil hat every now and then to explore the craziest of ideas being tossed around out there, I just wouldn’t be a complete person. So I will be throwing ideas out there for you to think about; ideas that will be sometimes grounded, and often not-so-much. This could get really fun.


So you’ve found me, and I have found you. I’m excited for this opportunity and even more so to see where we both will go as this relationship progresses. Enjoy the site, the media, and feel free to openly share if you feel the need to, after all, we're all speeding through space on on this pale blue dot together, so let's work to recognize and understand the gray life and help each other color it up a bit.


“This is not a black and white world, to be alive I feel the colors must be swirled..and I believe that maybe today, we will all get to appreciate the Beauty of Gray”

- from "The Beauty of Gray" by the band LIVE

This is on the north east side of the island of Corcula in Croatia.  We've gone there quite a bit in our travels. I took this picture in 2018. Don't you just want to be there? I do, often.

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